Friday, April 13, 2007


The decision to move from Greyhound to Coast Mountain (CMBC) was one of the hardest I've had to make in my life. Yes, that goes to show I've had a pretty easy life with not many complaints; the main one being that I am cursed and wish I wasn't.

In any case, I had to go with the position that will allow me to work closer to my main life goal of not working. The time off available and how to use vacation was one of the main factors in my decision. There is also the fact that I will be in my own bed every night. Hand in hand with this is that since I will be in town every night I will likely not miss as many gigs as if I had stayed with Greyhound.

The toughest part of the decision is the good people I leave behind. From the instructors and management to the new co-workers I had everyone at Greyhound was great. It's a very extensive training program and if you're looking for work that will allow you to travel the highways of B.C. and stay over night in small towns from time to time, this is a great job for you.

But, I had to go with the opposite. See you on the road.

And if I really do see you on the road remember that it's $2.25 to get on the bus. Or something like that. Now pay up you faulty bastards!!!


Blogger Random Thoughts said...


You should be taking both of these jobs. Work more not less, my new motto!

1:10 p.m.  
Blogger Lex said...

Makes sense to me. Gotta have a home base. What is your route?

5:53 a.m.  

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