Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I'm back...

People, I’m back, for the most part.


And I’m taking names of all the people whose asses I’m going to kick in to normalcy.


Now, what’s your name?


Ron Morgan




You have to put away your preconceived notion of what Queens of the Stone Age are and listen. Queens plays music, there is no genre. It is loud, quiet, clear, fuzzy and everything else.

Once again Josh Homme & Co. rocked the motherfucking house. It was a bummer that Mark Lanegan has fallen off the tour for now, but it didn't matter last night.

Starting with Someone's In The Wolf, the seven minute rock opus, and ending with Regular John, with a ten minute jam thrown in for good measure, QOTSA shook a little piece of Vancouver down past it's foundations.

If you've become disillusioned with the state of guitar driven music in the past ten or fifteen years you must listen to Lullabies to Paralyze. Drink wine and screw people. Romantic rock & roll has taken over.

Now if only I didn't have Tony beside me as we got all sweaty last night things would have been that much better than perfect.

Josh Homme’s opening words at their unofficial hangar party gig at SXSW 2005 (an event where many ‘retro’ bands played):

Fuck the ‘80s, we’re Queens of the Stone Age.

They proceeded to put on the best show the event had.

Go out and buy the album today. It is amazing.

I don’t really do this thing anymore, but, I was graced with an advance copy (read: pirated) of the new Queens of the Stone Age cd by a friend who went through pains, including downloading hundreds of minutes of dead air in search for it. I can not help what I’m about to write.

Last time around, when Songs For The Deaf was released, I said that from then on all bands, worldwide, should only be allowed to do Queens of the Stone Age covers. They did not.

This time around I have to ask all other musicians to please lay down your instruments forever. There is no longer any point in you carrying on your tunes.

 Josh Homme has done the unthinkable with Lullabies to Paralyze. He has topped even the first Queens full length release.

QOTSA forever…

Now get your asses out there and buy it on March 22 and then drink wine and screw.

If you don’t, you’re a freak of the worst nature. One that can not, and should not, be saved.