Friday, August 19, 2005


After a good time checking out the Rodin exhibit at the Vancouver Art Gallery yesterday with Tanja and Jesse I went to meet Cody for some drinks. Mofo's heading out to Montreal for school; lucky bastard. Ahhh, to be young and full of whatever it is you have when you're that age. All right, I'm getting off topic.

We'd decided to meet at The Loose Moose. I got there about 41 minutes early at 7:19. I ordered a bottle of Vitamin Kokanee, downed it in a about two or three minutes and ordered another one. Then I ordered a plate of fries. The fries came, I had a few and finished my second beer. Then I ordered a third beer.

I was asked if my friend would be eating when he got there. I said I don't know. The waitress said she couldn't give me another beer unless I ordered a meal. What the fuck!?! Fuck you, get me a fucking beer. Actually, I didn't say that and I eventually convinced her to get me another beer because I said he'll get a meal when he comes.

So, Cody gets there and is about ready to order a meal but I still can't get another beer because I guess I have to get the meal. Yeah, right. So, we left, and I paid the smallest tip I've ever paid; I really shouldn't have tipped.

So, the long and the short of it is that I will never go back to the Loose Moose again. I strongly urge all of you to not go there either. There's plenty of places that will happily serve you as many beers as you want. The waitress even tried pulling the "we don't have that kind of license" bullshit. You shouldn't even be open Loose Moose.

The good thing is that by not going there all you're missing out on is a few semi-hot tarts and a crowd that thinks they're listening to rock & roll but are actually listening to Audioslave.

Vive The Lennox (even if it is a bar full of tourists; everything is downtown)


Blogger Lex said...

Insane. But so retarded Van. I can't say I'm surprised, even after all these years. Its so typically small-minded Vancouver. They run the town like people are going to go crazy and riot.

After living here for 4+ years I can say giving people the freedom to do pretty much whatever within the law is only a good thing. Paris is not burning every weekend.

Nuts. Its sad. We need a San Francisco North. But even that is sad, why can't Van just live.

6:55 p.m.  
Blogger joz said...

ahh, remember getting your Scotch to go in a small paper cup at the Cafe Barney, good stuff.

7:57 a.m.  
Blogger Dr. Fatty said...

Yes, I do. Those were the days and the people. I think Michelob put it best in the 80's: Here's to good times, tonight is something special.

8:26 a.m.  

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