Sunday, August 11, 2002

Blackilicious finally righted what has been wrong for the past few months. They made it to town and got the fine people of this city dancing. They'd cancelled two shows earlier so that emcee Gift of Gab didn't have to have a foot amputated and they didn't get on the stage till around 1 am.

There were several local opening acts (I can't remember their names right now; but one of them was like a hip-hop boy band; any fans of this, I apologize for my demeaning tone) as well as some not so local acts, DJ Quick and Killa Kelah and Supernatural. The beat boxing was some sweet action, but it was Supernatural's ease with the crowd and quick flow with words when prompted to go with whatever fans raised up that really started the night in the right direction. For anyone who hasn't seen Supernatural, do yourself a favour, check him out and learn how to work a crowd. I've probably seen many of you readers at partys and you sorely need help in this area.

Anyways, Blackilicious made up for their long delay by getting the crowd dancing from the first few notes of the show. Well, most of the crowd. This was the first major hip-hop show I've been to since Public Enemy in 1990 (?) and I was expecting to see more dancing than just standing and staring at the stage like most rock shows. In any case, it was funky. They seemed to like reminding us all of where we live quite a bit, but I'm sure it made people feel special and good about themselves. They funked it up for quite a while, but because of their late start, and my having been there since relatively early in the night, I called it quites at about 1:45. Thus, I missed how they ended their set and have now left you with a pretty useless (non)review.

Nevertheless, let me end it like this. If you were anywhere near town and weren't at the Commodore on Saturday night, really, you may as well get on with it and move to Barriere and start your family because you're simply missing out.


Once again, questions can be sent to, and as usual, no comments please.


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